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Global Affairs
Research Center


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January 2024: 

Ryukoku-Stockholm University

Joint Research Seminar

Klara Melin, a PhD Candidate at Stockholm University, presented her field work findings in Japan when she was a visiting fellow at GARC from October to December 2023. The event was co-hosted by GARC, the Department of Economic History and International Relations (Stockholm University), and the European Institute of Japanese Studies (Stockholm School of Economics).


Picture: Klara Melin


About GARC

Designated as a Priority Reinforcement Research Promotion Project by Ryukoku University, the Global Affairs Research Centre (GARC) has been in its fourth year. Following the tradition of its predecessors (the Afrasian Centre for Peace and Development Studies and the Afrasian Research Centre), the mission of the GARC is to tackle problems of the global scale by providing cross-disciplinary insights beyond the confines of existing academic subjects through international research collaboration. Studying issues of conflict resolution and beyond, the GARC has emerged as a unique research arm of Ryukoku University in the sense that it focuses on such key concepts as relationality and subjectivity by drawing on Buddhist studies, international relations, area studies, and communication studies (including language education). Moreover, the GARC seeks to disseminate its research members’ findings mainly through international conferences and academic journals to raise Ryukoku’s international research profile.

Message from the Director

Although the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting border closures have made it difficult for GARC members to travel overseas for data collection and fieldwork, we remain active in holding webinars and online workshops with scholars in and outside Japan. Moreover, we have published more than 10 Web of Science Core Collection publications since 2019. At a time when global issues such as armed conflicts, economic recessions, energy supplies, climate change, migration, and public health have become more profound and interwoven, the GARC will continue to strive to shed light on these challenging issues. We look forward to collaborating with more early-career and established scholars across disciplinary and geographical boundaries as the research centre enters its next stage.

by Prof. Ching-Chang CHEN

Professor of International Politics Head, Department of Global Studies Director, Global Affairs Research Center Ryukoku University


News & Events

  • 1st GARC Roundtable
    1st GARC Roundtable
    Tue, 30 May
    Online Roundtable Event
    30 May 2023, 19:00 GMT+9 – 31 May 2023, 21:00 GMT+9
    Online Roundtable Event
    TOPIC: Loving Hong Kong: Unity and Solidarity in the Politics of Belonging
  • Collaborative Workshop (GARC & Dept. of Political Science, Yonsei University)
    Collaborative Workshop (GARC & Dept. of Political Science, Yonsei University)
    Fri, 27 Jan
    Ryukoku University, Building 4, Room 201
    27 Jan 2023, 10:00 – 17:00 GMT+9
    Ryukoku University, Building 4, Room 201, Japan, 〒612-8577 京都府京都市伏見区深草塚本町67
    The collaborative workshop between GARC and Yonsei University will bring together international scholars with a background in Critical Global Politics to discuss both pressing issues shaping the region and the world, as well as thought-provoking philosophical questions.

Our Members

International. Interdisciplinary. Curious.


Global Affairs Research Center

Ryukoku University

67 Tsukamoto-cho,

Fukakusa Fushimi-ku

Kyoto 612-8577 Japan


Tel 1: +81 75-366-2233

Tel 2: +81 75-645-2184

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© 2023 by GARC, Ryukoku University

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